7 ways To Combine SEO And Email Opti-Ins For Your Affiliate Marketing

ways to combine SEO and Email Opti-Ins for your affiliate marketing

Are you the owner of a big brand and need to boost your online presence? The pandemic and the impossibility of keeping a business open has forced almost everyone to completely rethink the marketing strategy and more effective online solution.

Have you heard about SEO and email marketing, but have no idea how they work so you can apply them to your brand?

Then you are in the right place because below I will give you all the answers to these and many other questions about digital marketing.

In the last decade more and more professionals, both those who have a physical location for their businesses and those who don't, have started to become familiar with the terms: SEO and professional email marketing.

Both modern advertising tools, and sincerely indispensable to it, that allow owners of large and medium-sized businesses to promote their businesses through the internet and reach a much larger number of customers than they have using more traditional marketing methods.

However, SEO is a globalized digital strategy that not only serves companies to position themselves in the major search engines, but also brings seriousness and professionalism to the websites that manage it.

A website that tries to gain positions without resorting to SEO ends up being like a suit without a tie: it will never attract enough attention and everyone will prefer to go to a much nicer, prettier and more professional website. In short, SEO is the marketing make-up that always looks good wherever it is placed, it will never fail you.


Now, although SEO are three acronyms well known and easily recognizable by society, both by young and older people who still dare to use the Internet, the use of email marketing combined with SEO is not so popular and still generates a lot of doubts.

The reason why using email as an advertising tool generates some rejection among SEO lovers is quite logical, since the use of social networks is becoming more and more important and fewer and fewer people go to their email inbox to check messages; everything moves instantly through applications such as Instagram or WhatsApp.

However, something that many of us don't think about when making a marketing strategy is that absolutely everyone who has a smartphone needs to have an associated Gmail account open in order to have all those apps available, ergo they will need to have an email open where they will receive notifications associated with their main interests.

And that's where email marketing comes in, indirectly reaching users and offering them other types of information about a company's brand that they already follow.

Below, with the intention of serving as a guide and inspiration to all those entrepreneurs seeking to improve the visibility of their brands on the Internet, we are going to explain in detail seven ways to apply SEO and email marketing into your business model.

7 ways to combine SEO and Email Opti-Ins for your affiliate marketing website

Acquire quality customers and reduce bounce rates


The reality is that despite the fact that social networks are capable of doubling the reach of our company in just a few days, the vast majority of those people we reach do not end up becoming loyal customers to our brands and services.

When we run an Instagram or Facebook advertising campaign we will reach an assured amount of new audience, depending on the amount of money you have decided to invest for it, but not all of that reach will translate into customers and revenue, this phenomenon is what marketing experts call: bounce effect.

The bounce effect is when a user clicks on our link through a sponsored post but does not stay on our website, deciding to go to other similar places that are better suited to their personal interests.

That bounce is precisely what we will avoid by carrying out a call to action (CTA) through advertising emails, since we will be sending quality information to a potential customer list that we know really feel interested in what we offer.

Therefore, all visitors who go to our website from email are twice as likely to stay and consume any of our services, reducing the bounce rate drastically and gradually increasing our revenue and online growth.

Know your customers' needs

If you need a good reason why using email for your marketing strategies is a good idea, maybe this one will convince you: knowing the reason for the query and knowing what exactly people expect from your brand.

In an Instagram photo, people will only be able to see a quarter of the content your brand offers and it will be totally impossible for you to know what the viewer is needing at that moment.

However, if you choose email marketing and send a survey to all your followers you will not only be giving them more information about your company, but the information you will get in return will help you create much smarter content, based on their specific needs and expectations.

Create a list of potential customers and create a survey that allows you to get to know the consumer better, what they like or dislike about your brand, what they would like to see next in your publications, what makes them feel like reading and interacting with your content, among other questions.

In this way, you will increase the chances of connecting with your audience, so that when users see your content again, they will feel much more eager to open it and consume one of your services. Empathy and the ability to connect with your consumer is also a way to generate revenue, don't forget that.

Automate your content

SEO ensures you some visibility among the major search engines, of that there is no doubt, but it does not make users enjoy your content continuously and feel more familiar with your brand.

So how do I get my audience to access all my content without having to be constantly making manual posts or calls to action? With automated emails.

This marketing tool is really useful to reach our customers on a regular basis without having to invest any extra time for it, making them receive our content in a skipped way and gradually turning them into regular users of our brand.

Use the Newsletter in an intelligent way

Newsletters are nothing new in the world of blogging and marketing however, there are still many who underestimate this simple resource as a good way to grow their visibility on the Internet and increase their number of monthly visits.

The best way to do it? Re-editing our standard newsletters and creating others with exclusive content that rewards those users who invest more in our brand, for example: Newsletter for premium users or for purchases over 50 dollars.

In this way, you will be increasing the level of traffic among those users loyal to your brand and doubling the number of interactions between the public and your website, which in the long run will be rewarded in your growth as a website and will be rewarded by the major search engines. All are advantages!

Encourage the use of your social networks

Using SEO on our websites will make us grow and increase our chances of success among the major search engines, such as Google or Mozilla, however what can really serve as a springboard to online success will always be to encourage the use of our social networks.

To do this, it is not only enough to establish a good SEO strategy, but we must use emails with attractive calls to action that encourage users who visit us to share in networks all our most outstanding publications.

Create personalized content

Statistics reveal that when a brand sends its customers personalized content, interaction increases by up to 90% compared to standard content that has been published previously, which sends a very clear message: users like to be given priority and that you take into account their opinion.

In this way, by creating more personalized content for your most loyal followers you will increase their interest in your brand, their level of interaction on networks with everything you publish, and your visibility to other users.

To create this personalized content it is essential not only that we use an effective SEO strategy, but that we use our personalized email lists to deliver our most unique content to our audience.

Surveys reveal that those users who receive exclusive content in their email have a greater tendency to share it with other users nearby, thus increasing the chances of being seen by new audiences and gradually growing in networks and search engines.

Use keywords strategically

Nowadays everyone who has an active website knows the term keyword, this being an essential SEO tool to be able to boost the visibility of all our content, however not everyone knows how to use these terms correctly and wastes a really good tool to grow your brand.

The key places for these keywords to take effect are the following: titles, subtitles and at the beginning and end of each post.

When keywords are used in these places we double our visibility and the possibility of positioning ourselves among the first positions of the search engine results grid, regardless of whether these keywords are short or long tail. Therefore, do not hesitate to apply this strategy in each of your publications and increase the chances of success of your website!


What did you think of these quick seven ways to combine SEO and Email Opti-Ins for your affiliate marketing? Let me know by commenting below.